Tuesday, March 10, 2009

potty shmotty ...

wow I went to pick up Livia today from the babysitter's and she had little Dora underwear on ! I was so proud of my little girl not even 2 yet and she is almost potty trained ... still well into he process but it's a huge accomplishment that she managed to wear those underwear all afternoon with no accidents ! I don't think i ever said it on here but we are really lucky to have the babysitter we we have ... she is like Livia's second mom ... She is a super babysitter and mom herself to 2 cutie boys !

So I recently started reading the blog of a friend of my former roommate Beck ... this lady is doing reviews on chocolate bars .. a bar a day ... I do eat chocolate but im not that much of a sweet tooth ... i prefer salty stuff .. my faves being pretzels and popcorn .. lately i've been experimenting with all sorts of popcorns and yeaterday i realised .. i should review them as some have been great and others not so great .. so the next bag of popcorn i will make I will share my comments on ... but im not doing the 30 day thing like you Erin or else i'll urn into a popcorn !


  1. Great news about the potty training! :) It's amazing when it finally happens... good luck! Shopping for little underwear is so cute, eh?

  2. How awesome on the potty training! We haven't even started here with my 23 month old lil guy. His sister was ready at this age but I don't think he will be.
