Sunday, February 1, 2009

names ...

I've been struggling with my name all my life .. I love my name but english people butcher it .. no offence to my english friends I just don't like it when you say your name and then someone repeats it with their own pronounciation right after the fact. I have a few friends that say it correctly and then their are the others that I just gave up trying to make them say it the right way because well I know what they mean...

I am having to do the same for my daughter as people add an "O" to her name or a "D" we went for a short name so it would not be complicated for people to say it but we are constantly having to corect people on how they say it .. it's not a hard name L-I-V-I-A but we get Olivia, Lidia I don't know if I should keep correcting people .. I sorta feel rude when I say "It's LIVIA". But their is someone we see pretty much everyday that calls her Olivia and she's known her for a few months now but I just don't know how to tell her in a nice way "it's LIVIA" without sounding snotty or rude ...

Am I the only one annoyed with this ??

1 comment:

  1. I feel the pain!!! People call be Dallaire, Valaray, Derriere, Darlene, Dalia...I herad them all. So with Gabriele it was complications htere!

